Thursday 28 October 2010

Gigs and flapjacks

So I'm in the process of trying to learn to bake. I'm relatively useless at making actual dinners (I'm lucky enough that my boyfriend usually makes those) but I enjoy attempting cakes, especially as you get something yummy at the end of it.

Here's my first attempt at flapjacks. They turned out pretty well actually, although I was too impatient at cutting them out of the tin so they fell apart a bit. Certainly a better success than my infamous curry powder and cheese flavoured heart-shaped biscuits I made for my boyfriend a couple of Valentines Day's ago (which were truly horrible, but he still tried to eat them, bless him).

Today I'm full of cold and sniffs, which is not good seeing as I'm off to London tomorrow at ridiculous o'clock in the morning for a gig (Manic Street Preachers). Booked quite few gigs lately, which I'm really looking forward to. I've got Imogen Heap next month and then Belle & Sebastian in December. Also my sister is going to try and get us Take That tickets tomorrow- woooo! We haven't seen Take That together since the first time round when we were teenagers and she loved Howard and I loved Mark!

Saturday 23 October 2010

Warm snuggly coats

I really love faux fur coats, especially leopard-print ones. These are my current collection...

This is probably my favourite one to wear at the moment. It's from Oasis (via Ebay) and looks best with jeans I think.

Then I have this one which is from Peacocks. I think it looks nice with dresses or skirts and also is much better on than in the photo - it's kind of fitted and then flares out a little bit at the bottom.   

This is an old slightly over-sized one which has had several owners before me. It used to belong to my friend Simon. He'd bought it second-hand and had it for a while before kindly donating it to me!

Finally I have this one, which my granny bought for me second-hand when I was about 18. She made buying us fur coats a little bit of a tradition and did the same for a couple of my cousins too when they were around the same age. She posted it to me which was one seriously large and heavy parcel to receive! My granny really is super-cool and at 90 now she is still as amazing as ever!

Monday 18 October 2010

Cosy tights weather

Ok, so this was what I wore on Saturday (this is the first chance I've had to stick the photo on the computer). I love the mix of the colours together and the tights are seriously thick, warm and cosy!
Thought I'd try my hair a little bit wavy-curly too. The dress, cardigan, belt and scarf are all from Primark, the oversized locket is from Topshop and the burgundy ribbed tights are from La Redoute.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Best beads

After many cherry beers and ciders last night I'm not looking too stylish today (it's been one of those days where I've spent most of it curled up on the sofa wrapped in a throw watching last night's X-Factor)... So I thought I'd show off my favourite bracelet which I have been building up for a while now. It's a Troll bead bracelet (the original and best in my opinion) and is now covered with gorgeous beads including a little silver "L", an ugly duckling, and a hare & tortoise. I love it!!

Saturday 9 October 2010

Come fly with me...

Tonight I'm off to a local beer festival. As it's grey and miserable outside I'm wearing my cosy new aviator jacket (Matalan) with my indigo skinnys (Peacocks) and a grey three-quarter sleeve top (Zara).